Check out our materials about chemical products!

Download the materials below and understand, in a didactic way, everything
you need to know about chemicals, their logistics and acquisition.


Produtos quimicos

Industrial Chemicals


An eBook with everything you need to know before buying, storing, and using chemicals. Understanding the various types of products used in the aeronautical, automotive, and electro-electronic industries.

Estoque de produtos quimicos

Stockpiling Chemicals


In our eBook you will find information about the particularities and complexities of chemical product management, as well as best practice guidelines for executing this process more effectively.

Abastecimento de produtos quimicos

A Comprehensive Guide to Chemical Supply


A guide made to unravel and facilitate the complex logistics segment, helping your company to improve and optimize your supply, transportation and storage of hazardous products, and other solutions!

Estoque quimico

Checklist: Chemical Inventory Management


Access a quiz to carry out a complete inspection of the proper handling, storage and disposal of hazardous chemicals.